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Our Country's History

To truly understand a country, you must understand only one thing: its history. At Sub City, we believe that knowledge is important to be shared with absolutely everyone, no matter what. So here is our country's history, explained as best as possible.

The Pre-Sub City Era

According to most historians, kenses have existed for thousands of years. However, it was only roughly 300 years ago when kenses started to form some semblance of a form of civilization; dozens of tribes were formed, and they all spoke Ancient Kandol, which is wildly different from the Modern Kandol that some of the more northwestern neighborhoods speak now. These tribes eventually combined into four main tribes: The Soob Tribe, The Pe Tribe, The Makk Tribe, and The Pohj Tribe. As kenses rapidly evolved, they reached the peak of mental evolution roughly 175 years ago, and decided to all live as one, under one government, in one city. After roughly 5 years (exactly 170 years ago), the construction of the city was complete, and they named it after the most powerful tribe, the Soob Tribe. Thus, it was named Soob City. The second most powerful tribe, and the Soob Tribe's only ally, the Pe Tribe, was the secondary leader. We can see this resembled in today's governmental figures, as Suboyo (from the Sub family, originally from the Soob Tribe) is in the main position of power as the Mayor, while in the secondary position of power as Assistant Mayor, we have Peter, a descendant of the Pe Tribe. This is also the time when the Pohjen Calendar started being used, and events from here onward are much better-documented. It is unclear when the name transitioned from being "Soob City" to being "Sub City," or when the Soob Tribe transitioned to the Sub Family.

The Early Days of Sub City

The first building to be built in Sub City was Sub City Tower. At a staggering 333 kens units and 91 floors, this building is the tallest in the entire city. The first 10 floors are used for City Hall-related/governmental purposes, while the rest is simply office space. This building is a large, purple, triple-sided building, with the words, "SUB CITY" printed in the front of the building in a lighter shade of purple. You might've caught a glimpse of it on our home page!

One of the first ever things to be established in Sub City other than the Tower was the currency. The four tribes, now united as one, could not simply live a life of hunting and gathering. They needed a currency, hence, they made the sandolian. This sandolian, as any good currency, was used for things such as shopping, paying off taxes, etc. There has never been any inflation of any sort due to rigid governmental laws regarding money.

This did not, however, stop small business owners from struggling. In the beginning, when shops were being established, everyone in Sub City knew that there were two things kenses needed the most: paraffin wax and cocoa beans. However, this was useless to sell at this point, as the paraffin wax was found in the roots of the Pohj Forest's trees, and cocoa trees grew in the same forest. This is where chocolate comes in. Many small business owners grouped together to form one company, Ilta, inventing chocolate which became the main source of cocoa for kenses. Thusly, Ilta thrived, and Sub City's economy was booming. Ilta provided work, and it provided chocolate. There was a time in history when Ilta was the only company that sold chocolate successfully, while everyone else suffered. However, Ilta wasn't done there, as they also wished to dominate the paraffin wax indusry. They began the practice of sending out people to steal the wax from the roots in the trees from the Pohj Forest nearby, and selling the paraffin as a sort of soup, adding all kinds of chemicals and preservatives, making it more tasty. Some were even made into solid snack bars. Eventually people found out what Ilta was doing, and the mayor at the time, Subnoli, originally king of the Soob Tribe before ascending to be the first ever Mayor of Sub City upon the City's completion, passed the Paraffin Deforestation Act, and let Ilta off on a warning. From then on until today, Ilta has not been caught in any other scandals.

The Now

And that is the most important parts of Sub City history, summarized! There is certainly more, but that is all you really need to understand to get around in Sub City. We hope you consider moving here- trust us, you won't regret it!